EDU177 Introduction to Education This course is designed as an introductory course for people considering careers as teachers and is recommended for elementary and secondary pre-teaching majors. This course transfers to most 4-year institutions as a prerequisite to teacher education. The information you receive and the experiences you encounter is designed to assist you in making an informed decision about whether teaching is the right career for you.
The course begins by exploring schools and schooling in the United States, including an examination of motives for teaching, the functions, and purposes of schools, organizations, and what life is like in schools.
We’ll then look at the diversity of students who populate our schools, and how they are affected by such social factors as poverty, drug abuse, and other social ills. We’ll also examine various tension points (such as access and equality of educational opportunity, school choice, and gender issues) that cause controversy in our educational system. Next, the course focuses on teachers, including what constitutes effective teaching, what teachers should know about teaching with technology, and what subjects are taught as part of the school’s curriculum. An examination follows of the foundations of education (philosophy, history, legal and ethical considerations, and governance and finance issues) that provide the intellectual underpinnings of educational practice. We’ll also examine current reform efforts in education. We’ll finish the course by looking at career issues, including the job options in education, salary expectations, and what it means to be a professional teacher.
By the end of the class, students will be familiar with the important issues associated with teaching as a career choice and be able to examine schools from the perspective of a teacher rather than a student.
Prerequisite: None
Required Text
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Please contact your school counselor if you have a question about the equivalency for this course.